
About Us
At Ballymacward Pre-School Playgroup we strive to provide an attractive, challenging, stimulating and safe environment for children, where each child is respected and valued as an individual.
We see our Pre-School as a community of pupils, parents and staff working together in partnership for the well-being of each child.
As a staff we work together as a team, respecting each other’s roles and recognising individual’s talents and expertise.
The curriculum is organised in a structured manner to provide a wide range of progressive learning experiences through play.
This broadly based curriculum facilitates the development of skills, concepts, attitudes and values, which will help the child in their future learning.
Children’s personal, social and emotional development is nurtured during all activities.
Ballymacward Pre-School is a registered charity and is run by a voluntary committee. A committee run setting like Ballymacward Pre-School would not exist without the hard work and dedication of the committee members and their families. Ballymacward Pre-School is registered to accommodate 24 children per session and is inspected annually by Social Services and Environmental Health.
The Pre-School is also inspected by the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI). During our last ETI Inspection, it was noted that “An aspect of effective practice in this playgroup which should be shared more widely is the extent to which the setting prioritises and embeds successfully health, wellbeing and keeping safe through their effective partnerships; well-considered staff professional learning; and wholly inclusive planned learning experiences”.
Breakfast Club is available for Pre-School children and runs from 8:00am. Children are offered a selection of cereals, breads, fruit, juice and milk. Dietary requirements can be accommodated. Mrs Goan from the Pre-School will be there.
Ballymacward Pre-School Playgroup is registered for both Tax-Free Childcare and the Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme (NICSS), more information is available from the Pre-School.